Share your own datasets

The FAIRhub study management platform ( is designed to help you easily manage your clinicals research data and share it on the FAIRhub data platform ( such that it is FAIR and AI-ready.

How to share and reuse data

With the FAIRhub study management platform, you can share your data in a few easy steps and start getting credit whenever your data is reused to fuel future discoveries!

Step 1

Create study

Sign up to create an account on Create a new study and provide basic information about it to get started.

Step 2

Upload data

Upload data on the go as it is being collected. Follow instructions to include metadata with the data so FAIRhub can process it automatically. Track data collection through available dashboards.

Step 3

Publish dataset

Follow our simple data sharing workflow to select select data to be shared, select a data use license, review data and metadata structure, create public/protected versions, reserve a DOI, and publish your dataset.